Thursday, January 20, 2011

George Clooney Malaria

Be still, Ladies: Actor/humanitarian George Clooney was diagnosed with malaria after a mission in the Sudan late last year, but he’s since been given a clean bill of health.

No matter what Piers Morgan says.

In December, UN Ambassador Clooney visited the African nation to work with the United Nations and Google on setting up a satellite surveillance of the area in a bid to derail a potential civil war.

On Thursday, CNN’s Piers Morgan Tweeted that the actor currently has malaria and would be discussing it on Friday’s Piers Morgan Tonight.

“BREAKING NEWS: George Clooney has contracted malaria following recent trip to Sudan. Reveals news on @PiersTonight tomorrow 9PM ET,” the host wrote on his Twitter page.

Not true, says George’s rep.

“George is completely over the Malaria he contracted while in the Sudan during the first week in January,” his rep told Entertainment Tonight, adding that the actor’s appearance on Morgan’s show was actually taped about a week ago.

For his part, double malaria survivor George is using the opportunity to impress on the American people how important it is that impoverished nations receive access to basic medical care: “This illustrates how with proper medication, the most lethal condition in Africa, can be reduced to a bad 10 days instead of a death sentence.”

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