Monday, June 6, 2011

40th birthday party invites

40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday Party Invitation
  • 40th Birthday Party Invitation

  • lukefinch
    Sep 5, 04:30 PM
    That's the default iPad wallpaper? May I have the original?

    Sure you can :D

    40th birthday party invites. the 30th Birthday Party
  • the 30th Birthday Party

  • marshallbedsaul
    Mar 27, 03:33 PM
    Not sure if this has been asked or mentioned, so how would a region section be.
    capital area

    40th birthday party invites. 40th birthday party (I#39;m
  • 40th birthday party (I#39;m

  • Dbrown
    Apr 21, 10:50 AM
    As mentioned before, iPhone has continually been compared to Android as platform rather than manufacturer's phone to phone.

    The only people who want to compare it that way are apple fans. The rest of the world rightfully compare it according to device. Smartphone OS to smartphone OS.

    40th birthday party invites. 50th irthday party
  • 50th irthday party

  • Benjamindaines
    Dec 28, 08:23 PM
    No you cannot, iMovie only sees FireWire cameras the built-in iSight is wired through USB.

    EDIT: Im going to look into the resource files to see if I can get it to see USB cams.


    40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday Party Invitation
  • 40th Birthday Party Invitation

  • VideoShooter
    Jul 11, 02:41 AM
    About 40 people in line. Line goes about half a block down.

    Tents, lawn chairs, guitar hero, kids playing soccer in the street. So many fanboys.

    Black sheets covering the windows.

    Little known fact: Steve Jobs lives within 12 blocks of this store.

    40th birthday party invites. 40th birthday party
  • 40th birthday party

  • wordoflife
    Oct 2, 04:35 PM
    I can never get these attachments to work ... :o


    40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday Dinner Party
  • 40th Birthday Dinner Party

  • yippy
    Sep 24, 04:52 PM
    I would say yes. Usually one is more concerned with the girl as the consequences can be harsher for them (they are the ones who get pregnate) and if her parents are ok with it then it is probably fine. Also, he is 18 and an adult so tequinicaly you can't tell him. Also, you said he has already so it is not like it would be something new (ie, they both know that they are ok with it).

    About the age of consent. It does vary widely depending on where you are. In the U.S. it gets as low as 14 for males and 16 for females in some states. You can check out the age of consent for most anywhere in the world here. (

    40th birthday party invites. Dayle#39;s 40th Birthday Party
  • Dayle#39;s 40th Birthday Party

  • chrissmash
    Jul 5, 05:24 AM
    Hey yeah I may do that! Have they unveiled yet what the plan in the UK is? Last I heard we got to buy ours and set it up again using iTunes.


    40th birthday party invites. 40th birthday party
  • 40th birthday party

  • rdowns
    Mar 23, 04:48 PM
    Bertrand's accent is really funny.... I remember him saying: Snaw Lepawd... Also, wasn't he one of the CEOs of BE, Inc??

    He helped found Be, right? I do know he was responsible for not allowing G5's to run Snaw Lepawd.

    Uh, no.�e

    Jean-Louis Gass�e (born March 1944 in Paris, France) is a former executive at Apple Computer, where worked from 1981 to 1990. He is most famous for founding Be Inc., creators of the BeOS computer operating system. After leaving Be, he became Chairman of PalmSource, Inc. in November, 2004.

    40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday Dinner Party
  • 40th Birthday Dinner Party

  • zacman
    Mar 25, 05:39 PM
    Why not? The USA for example has only 4 million miles of roads. A car with driver + passenger + some decent equipment should be able to map say 10 miles per hour, at a cost of $50 per hour.

    That's exactly what OpenStreetMap does. I know that it isn't widely used within the US (as most American hate OpenSource because it hurts the industry, see Firefox for instance: 70% marketshare in Europe, almost none in the US) but for example in some countries and parts of Europe OSM is much better than Nateq or Teleatlas maps as OSM users basically track *everything*, even the smallest trails which is just great for hiking or mountainbiking.


    40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday Dinner Party
  • 40th Birthday Dinner Party

  • hansiedejong
    Oct 16, 11:46 AM

    Loving this wallpaper, but it sucks cause it's very pixelated. Can someone maybe make it bright or does someone have a HD version of this wallpaper?
    Can someone make it look nicer? This is the wallpaper:

    Thanks in advance.

    40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday Party Invitation
  • 40th Birthday Party Invitation

  • SLJ
    Feb 2, 08:14 AM
    Both monitors are on a rotation of HD nature wallpapers like these ones. =)

    And yes that weather is accurate. Lots of snow and cold here in the Northeast. :cool: It was -23 a week ago, so Im feelin' toasty,

    what's the weather app call, i like to have something similar on my 2nd screen, thanks...


    40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday Party
  • 40th Birthday Party

  • MattZani
    Apr 7, 05:50 PM
    Since I'm 17 next month, I'll be going for a black 5 door corsa sxi!

    I love the new corsas so much!

    You'll be getting one?!?

    Firstly, thats ridiculous

    Secondly, the Fiesta looks way better ;)

    40th birthday party invites. Invitations 40th Birthday
  • Invitations 40th Birthday

  • elbirth
    Jan 10, 11:38 AM
    All of this 'what about the Mac' stuff is a little harsh. If Steve's got an Octo-Core Mac Pro coming in a few weeks, then he's not going to say so now.

    While I see your point on that, Dell is already offering computer configs that have dual quad core chips. Granted, they say they're not shipping for a while, but people can go there and know they've got an octo core coming, where with Apple we're still having to guess- will it happen, what kind of specs can we expect, and most importantly, how much?


    40th birthday party invites. It#39;s a 3 alarm irthday party
  • It#39;s a 3 alarm irthday party

  • Mastershredder
    Oct 13, 10:11 AM
    I bought Tweetie 1 when it first came out and have been relatively happy with it... now that I see Tweetie 2 is out, I was about to buy it ,when I noticed Tweetie 1 is no longer available. Doesn't anyone else see a problem with this? What happens if something happens to the Twitter API, forcing all developers of all platforms to rewrite some code. Wouldn't that mean the thousands of people who bought Tweetie 1 would be SOL?

    I'm all for paying developers for coming out with newer versions of their software.. and people here are complaining about how the App Store buyers shouldn't be bitching about having to spend $3 here and there when normal Desktop apps can cost $10, $20, $30 etc.. but there's a difference... If I go to buy a Mac App, there's always the old version that I can download if I so choose.

    I paid for Tweetie 1.. this means that if my computer goes, and I lose my downloaded version, i'll never be able to download it again? Or if i'm on the road and my iPhone has a problem and I want to re-download through the App Store, I can't? Sorry, but that's not acceptable to me.

    Look at Pangea Software's Enigmo for example. I bought that and had fun with it. Enigmo 2 is out, but it's not replacing Enigmo... Both versions are available...

    40th birthday party invites. 40th birthday party
  • 40th birthday party

  • basemansix8
    May 3, 07:30 PM
    Foursight, a Classic New Strategy Game which rivals Chess and Checkers is FREE for a limited time, which will be ending soon!

    Foursight is a Turn Based Board Game that is Easy to Learn and Fun to Master! An unique approach allows your and your opponent to play HALF of each others playing pieces. Download today, you won't regret it!

    iTunes Link -->


    40th birthday party invites. Sax Confetti Party Invitations
  • Sax Confetti Party Invitations

  • fluffer
    Feb 27, 11:32 AM
    ta, thought so. :cool:

    40th birthday party invites. 40th Birthday (4 color
  • 40th Birthday (4 color

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 26, 10:03 PM
    Wow, that looks very nice! I don't have a .Mac account, but I would definitely love one... but not for $99. :( I'm really hoping for a price drop in the near future.
    Hear ****in' hear!!

    40th birthday party invites. 40th birthday party,
  • 40th birthday party,

  • ABG
    Nov 11, 08:57 AM
    Here's hoping...:rolleyes:

    Mar 23, 08:32 PM
    You only hear about VP or Sr VP leaving/going in the media because, well everybody below is not important.. You will understand what it means when you start working...

    Haha, what makes you think I'm not working? Sure, I will never be a Senior VP of anything, but I've been working now for 15 years. And not flipping burgers.

    Nov 11, 10:29 AM
    Yay, I can hold off to upgrade until then!

    Feb 1, 04:45 PM
    Here's mine. :)

    Apr 7, 08:58 AM
    Sorry... they don't sit in a room and strategize on how to mess with Jail Breakers. Sorry... they don't. They are just trying to address some bugs in the current release and that's a good thing.

    Yes... it will probably break the JB... but that is your risk and your decision to JB. So, yes... my original post stands.

    LOL that's such an immature comment from yourself.
    Of COURSE they are trying to patch up the Jailbreak holes found by the JB community....
    Sure they have bug fixes, but rarely will they go "to fix a security hole that allows users to jailbreak"

    so no, it's not "PROBABLY" break the JB.... is: it WILL.
    He was stating a fact.

    Doc Horrorshow
    Mar 19, 01:25 PM
    I've got a Video TS that Toast won't make into a DVD Video for me (it was taken from the TV and is evidently copy-coded) and I want to make a DVD Video that is playable on my DVD player. I'm making a Disk Image using DVD Imager so what is the next step? Can you make it very simple for me cos I'm a bit of a brain-donor-thanks!:D
    PS DVD Imager seems to be taking an awful long time, what's the average time for a half-meg video file?

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