Friday, January 7, 2011

Elizabeth Edwards Will Omits John Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards has sent a final “Eff You and Up Yours” to her cheating cad husband — former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards — from beyond the grave.

She axed the scandal-scarred politican from her Last Will & Testament.

Elizabeth lost her lengthy battle against breast cancer last month. She amassed a fortune thanks to the sales for her 2009 memoir Resilence, but left nothing to her estranged husband in the division of her estate, CNN said Wednesday. In the will, drafted Dec. 1, just six days before her death, Elizabeth left everything to the surviving three of her four children, daughters Cate and Emma Claire and son Jack.

“All of my furniture, furnishings, household goods, jewelry, china, silverware and personal effects and any automobiles owned by me at the time of my death, I give and bequeath to my children,” the will reads.

In 2008, months after withdrawing from the presidential race, John Edwards admitted to an extramarital affair with former campaign videographer Rielle Hunter. Eventually, he also admitted to fathering a child with his one-time mistress.

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