Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Natalie Portman feels like an adult with pregnancy

Hollywood actress Natalie Portman has said she finally feels like an adult after announcing her pregnancy and engagement last month.

The 29-year-old star made public her pregnancy and engagement to ballet choreographer Benjamin Millepied last month and said she has only just started to feel her age, reported Access Hollywood.

“Obviously my own life is so different now. I’m definitely becoming an adult now really, finally!”

Portman has been nominated for a Best Actress Golden Globe award for her role in Black Swan and admitted she feels very “lucky” with her career success, which has allowed her to move from dramatic to comedic roles -including the upcoming Friends With Benefits with Ashton Kutcher – with ease.

“I feel very lucky. It’s been a really, really lucky, lucky time. And work-wise it’s been really exciting. I feel like I’m getting to try all sorts of different things. Now I’m getting to do a comedy after doing so much serious work and that’s been really fun.

“Ashton is so good at comedy, so easygoing and so easy to be around and really fun and really professional. So, it was definitely helpful to have him as the person I had the most scenes with in this movie,” said Portman.

Despite her praise for co-star Kutcher, Portman did have one complaint about the actor – his height.

“He’s a lot taller than me. We definitely got a lot of enjoyment out of the – well, he probably got more because he gets to be the tall one. I get to be the gnome! But there were a lot of short people jokes,” said Portman.

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